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Troubleshoot Throttling

This reveal deck contains the fundamental steps and instructions to troubleshoot few well-known issues in API Throttling of WSO2 API Manager.

This deck is drafted based on API Manager v3.2.0, however, this can referenced for v3.1.0, and v3.0.0 versions

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Let's get started!!!

Are you having any issues while publishing a (custom) policy from the Admin portal?

If yes, go through the below-given steps to verify the configurations in your environment. If no, move to the right.

A probable cause for this behavior can be a misconfiguration of the Service URL of the Policy Deployer. Open the <publisher>/repository/conf/deployment.toml and validate the following

service_url = "https://tm-lb-hostname:9443/services/"

The service_url must point to the Traffic Manager's services endpoint. This is used to publish and deploy the execution policies in Traffic Manager. If the endpoint is not reachable or misconfigured, there will be errors logged in the Publisher.

Further, if you are using different user credentials (username and password) for each node, please perform the following configurations in the Publisher's deployment.toml to authenticate with the Traffic Manager without any failures.

username = "traffic-manager-admin-username"
password = "traffic-manager-admin-password"

We assume that you don't have any issues with creating or publishing (custom) policies from the Admin portal. But, experiencing inconsistent behavior during the runtime.

If you are experiencing errors in the Gateway node during runtime, scroll down. If not, move to the right.

Are you seeing any of the following error-traces in the Gateway node?

ERROR - DataEndpointConnectionWorker Error while trying to connect to the endpoint. Cannot borrow client for ssl://traffic-manager-host:9711
org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.exception.DataEndpointAuthenticationException: Cannot borrow client for ssl://traffic-manager-host:9711
Caused by: org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.exception.DataEndpointException: Error while opening socket to traffic-manager-host:9711. Connection refused (Connection refused)
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)

Yes? proceed down.

The mentioned errors are logged due to connectivity issues between Gateway and Traffic Manager. Gateway establishes a Binary transport communication link with Traffic Manager to publish throttle data events.

Check whether all required ports related to Binary communication (9711 and 9611) are opened and not blocked by any firewall. You can use the following telnet from Gateway instance to check the connectivity between Traffic Manager.

telnet traffic-manager-host 9611

Happy Stacking!!! 👌👌👌